Lorna Taylor as ever
Don McAllester for the wonderful 1975 photographs that form the core of this site
Jane McAllester for her help and encouragement to get on with it
Elaine Stokes whose interest got the OB 209 project and this website going
Penny Horner of the Ardnamurchan History and Herritage Association (AHHA) for continuing support
The members and volunteers of AHHA who worked so hard clearing the packing shed, transporting OB 209 from Hartlepool, painting the boat and their other ongoing efforts
Mike Smylie for the use of his writings and the sharing of his knowledge
Peter Aikman for contributing to the OB209 story
Paula Macleod for sharing information about her parents
Colin McPherson, for his generous permission to use his photograghs
Angus Chisholm, for his generous permission to use his photograph
Angus Corry, marine surveyor, who very kindly checked that OB 209 was “fit to travel” from Hartlepool
The Ardnamurchan Estate for generously providing shed space for OB 209 back at Fascadale
Jim Gaitens and John Dobson for their contributions
Thank you all